Saturday, April 14, 2012

Observational Dialogue

An exercise from earlier in the semester was based in observing every day conversations of strangers. These are the notes I took while spending an evening at a coffee shop. Things get a little jumbled, but I think the conversations are interesting regardless.

1. Are you listening to Pandora? 
No. What are you listening to?
...Nothing. (laughs quickly)
I keep getting stuck on that one (math problem)

Three and four. Did you get it? 4 + 4 + 4
Because they can't 
Did you get it?
it says what is the minimum. It says the minimum is less than 88. 
Because the minimum
ok the maximum is the highest point, but the minimum is less than 88. Do you know how I got 12?
Whatever number has to be...uh....88? Is the highest?
Less than 88 and less than...whatever the minimum, is less than 88? Do you get it?
Well it doesn't matter what number you get. 

IF you move this on this side, it makes sense.
Do you want to come through this, and then come back to it?

Yeah, I mean, I saw him for a little while but it didn't work out.
Oh you get internet here?
  1. Yeah.
  2. Oh, cool.
  3. Yeah, ...welcome to the 21st century.
  4. Blank page. I can't find an ending. I can't find a clever, clear ending that relates back to the beginning. Here is the thing the ending needs to be satisfying, needs to relate to the beginning somehow...there was something else...oh it has to be surprising, unpredictable. 
  5. -Is this the scarecrow?
  6. Yes. This is the scarecrow. He is trying to scare away crows, it's his job, So what does he do? I mean maybe he does manage to scare it in some unexpected way

In the air.
It is

Like, we hung out non-stop.

And then I'm going to ___in St. Pete. 
It should be fun, one of my friends is dancing. 
Ok talk to you later.

**But I don't want to

You can finish by the time we leave.
But no one cares.

What was he thinking?
But yeah like she said it wasn't right anyways.
Paris wouldn't say that about anyone. 
He can't help it.
I would never, I would never force someone to buy jewelry.
I don't like gold. I had it for like three years and it was turning gold, like yellow.
Yeah like with all the oils and everything.
What was yours? Solid gold?
Uhh it was like ___ it's hanging up somewhere. It's all beat up.
I had ordered Chad's ring, but it dind't come in time for the wedding so we went to Walmart and bought like, a titanium one. I was like this is a ring to put on your finger. 
Right now like, that when I had the hand carrot done, and those are so expensive alone and, uhm they were like we will give you money for that. 
I have my mom's ring. It's all there. It's a flaw a diamond, like, A DIAMOND. 
I got it way smaller with the diamond and uh, it was terrible. 
Way smaller? 
Yeah I mean it was like. I got it like really really small. And it defnintely like, sparkled.
Yeah thats like my uh my wedding and engagement band, they were smaller but it was completely flawless. It was always really really sharp. I used to tell ted too I was like on anniversaries or anything be like you know, because I never got a real proposal, propose to me like how you envisioned you would have proposed to me. Oh yeah he was right on it. 

The first time I ever got published, I didn't get paid.
I've got all kinds of magazine work, NEVER been paid. However the last windy day when , they did vive me something.
But uhm, oh wow that was fast
I think the reason we get a lot more work than them was timing. Even now, the magazine work is different. In sarasota, they did a spread on the house. 
What was it like, 500 bucks a month?
Yeah it was
You're getting paid to do a cover right?
Uhmm,m yes, uh yes. 
2 for a cover. I thought it was 550 for a cover.
Actually I guess it depends on the budget, it changes all the time, they come in and tell us what they need.
You know who's been getting published a lot in sarasota is jeanie.
They're so much uhhhm, so much more. 
That's because he works with rachael.
Where id you see that at? Facebook?
Would you like to get it framed?
I just I was uhh a little more cautious with him. 
We came back form st armands circle and he was like oh you should have checked your facebook. I was sitting in starbucks alone for literally like four hours. I had lunch by myself and this old guys came up to me and was like I don't wanna rush you but, how much longer are you gonna be? I have a party of six that wants this table. 
Yesterday I did go to
Where was that?
Oh she said she was doing a workshop in askgfhahg
Do you have a __now?
I am seriously considering it. 
And I'm like I;ve got a classroom toilet.
You open it up and it's like AAAAAHHHH
Yeah like lets keep it on the DL
I love it.
Wel hey at least your'e keeping it real.
I took a bunch f notes. She's like really into it
is that the chick you shot? No no nono
oh my gosh she called me yesterday and was like actuallu we want someone with dark hair, and yeah she was like no it's not her it the marijuana. 

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