Sunday, February 19, 2012

Slice of Life Script

A man and a woman sit across from each other at a small table outside of a coffee shop. They shift uncomfortably in their seats and stroke their coffee cups to fill the lull in conversation. 

"Yeah but like I said it wasn't right anyways," the woman said.
"I don't even like gold. I had it for like three years and it was turning like, yellow."
"Really?" the man questioned.
"Yeah, with the oils and everything. What was yours? Solid gold?"
"Uhh, yeah kind of. It's hanging up somewhere. It's all beat up."
The woman quickly continues on. 
"I had ordered Chad's ring, but it didn't come in time for the wedding so we went to Walmart and bought like, a titanium one. I was like hey this is a ring to put on your finger."
The man perked up and suddenly seemed more engaged with interacting with the woman. The awkwardness of the silence has disappeared. He gave his side of the topic. 
"I had my mom's ring to give. It's a diamond. Like, A DIAMOND. I got a smaller one."
"Way smaller?" she asked.
The man responded "Yeah I mean it was like, I got it like really really small. And it definitely like, sparkled."
"Yeah that like my uh, my wedding and engagement band, they were smaller but completely flawless. It was always really really sharp," she paused, "I used to always tell Ted too on anniversaries or anything be like you know, because I never got a real proposal, propose to me like how you envisioned you would have proposed to me." 
The conversation quickly trails off, and the man and woman lean in for a prolonged kiss.

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